
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2021

Demonstrative Adjetives / Spanish

 ¿Qué son los adjetivos demostrativos? Un adjetivo demostrativo es un adjetivo especial (a menudo llamado determinante) que identifica un sustantivo o pronombre expresando su posición como cerca o lejos (incluso en el tiempo). Los adjetivos demostrativos son 'this,' 'that,' 'these,' y 'those.' Por ejemplo: Como puede ver, THIS-THAT se usa para referirse a algo en singular, y THESE-THOSE para referirse a algo en plural. THIS-THESE se usa para referirse a alguien o algo cercano al hablante, y THAT-THOSE para alguien o algo lejano. En estos ejemplos, el sustantivo o pronombre que se modifica está en negrita. This   shark  is pregnant / Este tiburón está preñado. That   lady  looks worried / Esa dama parece preocupada. Take  these   ones  away / Llévate estos. (Aquí, el adjetivo demostrativo modifica un pronombre). Put  those   tins  in the cupboard / Pon esas latas en el armario. Ahora usamos los adjetivos demostrativos en oraciones negativas. Como en el ca

Demonstrative Adjetives / English

 What are demonstrative adjectives? A demonstrative adjective is a special adjective (often called a determiner) that identifies a noun or pronoun by expressing its position as near or far (including in time). The demonstrative adjectives are 'this,' 'that,' 'these,' and 'those.' For example: As you can see, THIS-THAT is used to refer to something in the singular, and THESE-THOSE to refer to something in the plural. THIS-THESE is used to refer to someone or something close to the speaker, and THAT-THOSE for someone or something far away. In these examples, the noun or pronoun being modified is in bold. This   shark  is pregnant. That   lady  looks worried. Take  these   ones  away. (Here, the demonstrative adjective is modifying a pronoun.) Put  those   tins  in the cupboard Now we use the demonstrative adjectives in negative sentences As in the affirmative, the THIS-THAT is used when the objective is close and the THESE-THOSE when it is far away. these